​Who We Are
Phoenix Asian League (PAL) is a City of Phoenix employee organization that was established in 2004 by most Asian-American employees. However, PAL is open to all City employees.
Purpose: To promote employee excellence, professional growth and advancement in the workplace.
Mission: To provide opportunities for leadership and professional development, mentoring, networking, sharing and promoting cultural values, traditions, and volunteerism within the City of Phoenix.
Board of Directors
Cheryl Griemsmann Yien Chen
Chair Communications Director
Vacant Lee Woods-White
Vice-Chair Membership Director
Annie G Erbacher Vacant
Treasurer Events Coordinator
​What We Offer
PAL offers leadership opportunities and four events to accomplish the following goals:
Employee Development
Professional Development
Employee Networking
Sharing and Promoting Cultures
PAL exists to enhance workplace experience and helps employees become positive contributors in the City organization as a whole.